About Satpuda Vikas Mandal’s Pal ( SVM ) :

Registration Details: Regi. No. 284 (Jalgaon) Dated : 15/12/1971 The Satpuda Vikas Mandal’s Pal is one of the institutions for tribal people. Since beginning, it has tried its best to lay emphasis on the, education of the down-trodden, and students ofTribal area. It also reflects in its Vision, Mission, and Objectives statements.

People came together under the able leadership of Late. Hon. Loksevak Madhukarrao Dhanaji Chaudhari, the then Minister of Maharashtra and created this for up Lifting tuibal people Satpuda Vikas Mandal’s Pal was, therefore, formed in 1971.

Satpuda Vikas Mandal’s Pal is successfully running following institutions:

Name of Institution Year of Establishment
L. N. Patil Primary Ashram School Pal 1954
D. N. Wandrekar Secondary Ashram School, Pal 1969
Krishi Prabodhan Research Centre, Pal 1971
Primary Ashram School, Jamnya - Gadrya, Taluka- Yawal 1972
Magasvargiy Vasati Gruh, Pal 1980
Junior College (Arts) Pal 1983
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pal 1984
Primary Ashram School, Mohmandli, Taluka- Raver 1990
Primary Ashram School, Lohara, Taluka- Raver 1990
Vasantrao Naik Ashram School, Abhoda, Taluka- Raver 1990
Junior College (MCVC) Pal 1991
Loksevak Madhukarro Chaudhari Secondary Ashram School, Lohara, Taluka- Raver 1992
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University unit (KVK), Pal 1992
Junior College, Mohadi 1993
Primary Ashram School, Pimpri- Mohgan, Taluka- Raver 1995
Gurukul Secondary School for S.C. Pal 2002
Senior College (Arts), Mohadi 2002
Secondary Ashram School, Pimpri- Mogan, Taluka- Raver 2003
Agriculture Technical School, Mohadi 2003
Secondary Ashram School, Jamnya - Gadrya, Taluka- Yawal 2004
Secondary Ashram School, Mohmanadli, Taluka- Raver 2004
Arts, Commerce and Science College, Pal 2013
Agriculture Technical School, Pal 2013